The world’s best known webpage has a mesmerising monopoly on commerce and communications, which is a big problem for us small businesses.
“Beeston Fast Food” – Mobile Responsive Website, Nottingham
Mobile responsive online fast food menu directory targeting Beeston, Nottingham.
Why Local Businesses Should Use SoundCloud
How and why small/medium businesses can get started for free using SoundCloud to market products/services using informative, conversational content.
“Ashcourt Lettings” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Nottingham
Mobile responsive website designed for Nottingham Landlord Service.
Website Planning & Development Spreadsheet – Free Download 📋
Use spreadsheets to properly plan website structure, record keyword themes and have an overview of page URLs, redirects, meta titles and descriptions.
Nottingham Graphic Logo Design Case Study 🌐
In this design discussion, Lee and Darren talk about logo concepts for a Nottingham kitchen, bathroom and bedroom installer.
A Clever Web Server Trick to Make It Easy for Customers to Write Google Reviews ✅
How to configure your web server to redirect a short URL to the long complicated Google review URL so customers can easily leave a review.
“Heanor Fast Food” – Mobile Responsive Website, Derby
Mobile responsive online fast food menu directory targeting Heanor, Derbyshire.
How to Avoid Classic Graphic Design Logo Mistakes 🙄
Darren and Lee discuss the damage done to brands by ill-conceived business logos, and how to avoid classic mistakes real designers will always spot.
Why Any Local Business MUST Use Google Business Profile
In this video we take a look at Google Plus Local and how it can help your small or local business from a search engine perspective.
Getting Started with Small Business Content Marketing 🚀
How to begin attracting and nurturing potential customers using your website with useful, informative, educational, problem-solving marketing content.
“Peaceful Moments” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Derby
Mobile responsive website designed for Ilkeston reflexologist.
Is Your Website Legal? An EU Data Protection Warning ☔
Websites operating in the EU must implement legally required data protect measures. In the event of a complaint regarding privacy your business could be audited.
“Wakefield Driveways” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Derby
One pager mobile responsive website designed for Ilkeston construction company.
“South Notts Ground Care” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Nottingham
One pager mobile responsive website designed for Nottingham ground care and landscaping provider.
“Bright Carpets” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Nottingham
Mobile responsive website designed for Long Eaton carpet fitter.
“Sarita White Photography” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Derby
Mobile responsive website designed for Ilkeston, Derby and Nottingham photographer.
“Your Life On Canvas” – Mobile Responsive Web Design, Nottingham
Mobile responsive website designed for Nottingham photographer and canvas print specialist.