Website design and build for small to medium businesses, prioritising mobile-friendly, WordPress-based solutions with comprehensive support.
Based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, and serving Derby, Nottingham, and the wider area, I solve digital marketing issues for small and medium businesses.
I’ll help you create your design and layout. You might have an idea already, or want to come up with something new.
How Website Aesthetics Help You Sell
Ideally, the website should use a limited colour pallet, with enough contrast to make text legible and easy-to-read, at a decent size. Yes, it should look good, but the genius of simplicity is appreciated by everyone.
Often, visual clutter due to too many design elements gets out of hand or becomes a crutch for bad messaging or bad writing. A busy-looking website is akin to going into a shop with too much signage and too many choices. You get lost.
Website action colours should be used to “train” a visitor so they understand what can and cannot be clicked/tapped.
As Steve Krug says in his popular book on website user interface: “Don’t Make me Think”.
All Sites are Mobile Friendly
Mobile responsive design first appeared over ten years ago, and is a staple requirement. All the sites I build work on tablets and smartphones. Because we rely on smartphones as much as we do today, it’s important that the website loads fast.
People visiting your website might be on a smartphone with low battery, and poor WiFi. Too many images cause bloat and slow the load speed.
What you don’t want is a website that resembles a fruit machine, and for that reason it’s necessary to make tough decisions about how much stuff is shown on any one page.
Fewer Images in the Right Format for Faster Loading Time
Image formats like JPG and PNG can be converted to something called WEBP, which is a highly compressed version of the same image, but loads super quick because it’s about 80% smaller in file size. What do I mean?
Well, instead of the image being 1MB, it would be 20kb. Quick loading website = better experience using it.
How to Best Use Photos, Graphics and Icons
Original photos that you own the copyright on are best. Don’t steal from Google, unless you have the rights to use the image. Image rights copyright enforcers are very good at tracking down image thieves for the purpose of serving legal papers demanding retroactive payment.
Some stock images can be used for free under a Creative Commons Zero license.
Stock photos usually look obvious, cheesy and terrible. Be warned! However, sites like Pexels let you download free photos, graphics and video B-roll, which can, when used in the right way, be just what’s needed.
Originally-created designs are the better idea if you have a budget for it.
Design software like Photoshop and Illustrator is used to assemble completely original designs using shapes and effects. Website platforms like WordPress come with vast libraries of fast-loading, high quality icons/symbols/motifs, which contribute to a modern, simple, clean style.
Small Business Websites That Help You Sell
Do you work for, manage or own a small to medium business? Want me to design and build you an entire website?
Let’s arrange an initial 15 minute call.
Web development
Admin and maintenance
Graphic logo design
Content writing
Email marketing
Domain security certificates