The D&S Storage website was built to market and sell premium self storage in the local area. The owners spent considerable time and expense creating multiple secure steel storage units inside a secure facility with lots of features not typically seen elsewhere.
This website was therefore (as it always is) an exercise in accurately representing the product/service by setting correct expectations.
The look and feel is bold and clean with a minimal colour pallet. Functionality wise, it is an information-only website (as in not taking payments online) but with what WordPress offers compared to many other website solutions, the ability to process transactions online would be entirely possible with relative ease.
However, given that this is a speciality service and requires careful vetting of clientele (as well as striking flexible lease deals) a one-payment-fits-all system wouldn’t be appropriate.
In terms of content, the site is very much focussed on what is known as “the bottom of the marketing funnel” meaning that the content available is all sales content focussed on the benefits of the features.
A YouTube video was filmed and edited with a similar look and feel to the website.